Join in the Fun! EF FESTIVAL 2017

We are volunteering for the third year in a row at our magnificent East Finchley Festival 2017. The great big news is that we now have electric acoustic ukuleles so we can all plug in! Timmy our 6yo prodigy Ukulittle – is excited beyond words to be performing at 4:50pm on the Community stage for the very first time, and the more experienced players are also looking forward to surprise and entertain with our lively set. Cameron and Liz are now in their 3rd year of learning with us and are some of our most committed players. We are all hoping to inspire others to pick up this lovely instrument and share more jolly times together. This year we have a fabulous stall as well, so you can come and say hello and have a chat. We are bringing down trial ukuleles from 12-4pm running free activities, mingle and try out for adults and teenagers as well as a Mystery Box for the under 6yo. We will be giving out some freebies to those who take part. And that's not all! I am also thrilled to have some pretty cool brand new PlayUk! ukulele themed t-shirts on display, so you can feel and try on before you order yours! Don't miss out on this free fun day out! Come and support your Festival and us, there's heaps to do and see on Sunday 25th June in North London.